PEGC Trails (powered by Gear Up)

The Trails at Port Elizabeth Golf Club – The Hill (PEGC) are developed for the general public to enjoy within the guidelines set.

It is suitable for Mountain Biking and Trail running / walking. Dog walkers (dogs on a leash please) and ‘tree huggers’ are most welcome – we all just have to be considerate and polite and conscious of the environment. 

In developing the Trails, we stayed well clear of the fairways, greens and tee’s – the golfers’ needs must always be respected!

Caring for the environment by keeping PEGC Trails clean of rubble and plastic will always be a priority. We must not take this ‘garden’ on our doorstep for granted.

In the parking area at PEGC we have a ‘Trail House’ where Gear Up Cycles & Trails operates from as Trails Managers.

Gear Up also runs a Bicycle service Centre from the Trail House and we sell mainly pre-owned Bicycles from there.

The actual start / finish of the PEGC Trails is at the Trail Head just off the parking area and there is a detail map showing trail users where to go.

There is an honesty box and Zapper / Snapscan where you are required to pay a R20 per person per day as a Trail Fee donation to help fund the maintenance and development of the Trails.

You also the option to join PEGC as a ‘PEGC Trails Member’ which will give you access to trails, clubhouse showers and other Clubhouse facilities.

For more info and to be added to a Trails whatsapp group, contact Luke @ Gear Up: 073 012 2580 or Johan: 082 331 3688

Follow this link to apply for PEGC membership as Trails Member;


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